I thought I had double-checked and TRIPLE-checked my cutting, but sure enough, these poor little clothes on the line were cut hanging wrong side up! Bummer! Well, luckily, I found out before I began assembling, so I re-used these front pieces later to make a Business Card Wallet instead.
Here's the front of the tote, with little clothes hanging down properly, using the pink colorway instead of the green.

I used the child playing with horses for the inside fabric and interlined it with batting. Is this a boys or girls? I cannot tell. That's cool.
The important thing is that I had enough fabric to get the wee little owl flying with undies centered on the outside. Adorable!
I edge-stitched the top fronts of the bag. I should have edge-stitched the side pocket and inside pocket, too.
Can you tell I love my edge-stitch foot?
Here's the Business Card Wallet I made with green colorway that had been cut upside down for the tote:
I must have had a really bad day, because this poor little snap flap is not even centered. I didn't measure correctly. Oh, well. It does hold my important papers.
If I make the tote again, I will definitely use stiffer interfacing than just Pellon 911. Maybe 931 or 950.
Have you made these or similar items? What did you do?